Welcome to BUNNA SCHOOL!
BUNNA SCHOOL is designed by IMAP GmbH and YA COFFEE on behalf of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH in the framework of the “Sustainability and Value Added in Agricultural Supply Chains (SUVASE)” project. The project aims at increasing sustainability in the coffee supply chain. BUNNA SCHOOL will serve as an accessible digital platform for coffee education and skills development of coffee professionals, SMEs and entrepreneurs entering the coffee industry across the supply and value chains. In doing so, it plans to sustainably support the ongoing reform agenda and benefit the coffee sector in Ethiopia.
BUNNA SCHOOL will be piloted between August until November 2023. The piloting of BUNNA SCHOOL will involve the delivery of three courses on the Ethiopian coffee system, coffee sensory analysis, and export planning. Participation in the courses is free of charge during the pilot phase. In order to facilitate the enrollment of students, pre-registration is now open. Our target is to enroll a total of 1,000 students during the pilot phase (on a first come, first serve basis). Thus, it is to your advantage to pre-register by completing the simple form found below. Afterward, you will receive an email from BUNNA SCHOOL when enrollment starts and additional information on the way forward.
Please pre-register using the link below: